My name is Ryan Coisson and welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I’m a passionate socially conscious entrepreneur and teacher who strives to be a shining light amongst an industry that seems to continually live with its head in the sand.
Oh and as you can probably already tell I prefer to be direct and I tell it how it is…or at least how I see it.
Some people love that, some don’t. Either way is cool with me.
In my marketing, I really believe in attracting the right person but also really doing everything I can to repel the wrong person.
But more on that later.
Let’s start at the beginning…
I was born and grew up in rural Illinois with the fresh smell and view of cornfields and soybeans as far as the eye could see.

Well…maybe that’s too far back.
Let’s fast forward a bit.
It was back in the early 2000s that I realized I was different.
Unlike many of my fellow high school seniors, I wasn’t thinking about college and career paths in corporate America.
I actually felt like college wasn’t for me.
Rather I found myself diving into books like Walden and reading the findings of economist Adam Smith.
This is what interested me.
Reading still is a passion of mine and I’ve consumed countless books that have shaped my thoughts and impacted me.
Here’s a list of some of my favorites.
These days I’m a bit of a contrarian though.
I still think reading is good but I prefer to go deep into a few books rather than binge on books over at Amazon or audible (get 2 free books here).
If you’re like many and how I used to be you probably can relate to endless stacks of unread books or so many audiobooks you could fill your next 5 years with nothing but book voiceovers.

Speaking of voiceovers this joke from Brian Regan still puts me in stitches every time I hear it.
Listen to it now.
You’ll laugh…
And laughing is a good thing.
Pretty funny, right?
Anyhoo…another major thing that interests me.
To this day I still love spending time in nature whether that be rock climbing, hiking, camping, photography (check out my recent photos here) or just about anything else outside.
Heck, I structure most of my life with routines around being able to enjoy my time outside with the people that matter most to me.
It truly is my special place to me.
And I believe nature is a strong medicine.
When it comes to building businesses online I think there is an easy way and a very hard way. For years like many, I went down the path that was a grueling uphill battle because I just couldn’t make it happen.
Like many and maybe even you, I jumped from thing to thing thinking the next thing was going to be the one.
Well, things finally clicked and I’ve been full-time online ever since I talk about that aha moment here.
It’s really not what you might expect and if you’re struggling to have your breakthrough now give it a read, it just might help.
Over the years I’ve run many successful businesses yet now I live by a simple philosophy.
Build for cashflow, invest for the long-term.
To do that I run and teach folks about the PB Code, a true long-term strategy that I started implementing myself back in the early 2000s.
It’s devised for cash flow, stability and scale and it could be run in as little as a few hours a week. The best part for me is I never have to worry about all the normal online marketing headaches.
I simply keep practicing my kick thousands of times as Bruce Lee taught me.
I also focus on buying and selling businesses that meet certain criteria so if you have an online business you’d like to potentially sell let me know :-).
– Ryan Coisson