UPDATE #1: If you are looking for the best Amazing Selling Machine 8 bonus I recommend you check this one out by Project Life Mastery here.
UPDATE #2: If you are looking for more information on ASM 8 you can go here.
UPDATE #3: Daniel and I no longer support or promote ASM as affiliates we have our own Amazon training program called The Infinity Code. The ASM bonus below is no longer offered. If you want to find a good ASM bonus you can check out this one.
The Best ‘Amazing Selling Machine’ Bonus. Period.
The Question is: Which will close sooner… The ASM Doors… or Access to Our Incredible Bonus Package??
As of right now, only 25 11 Bonus Packs Remain Available!
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Already Own ASM or Have
Questions?? Simply Contact Us Here
[dynamic_date date_format=”F d\\, Y” before=”” after=””] Our bonus contains 17 Parts. Here is an overview of each part and you can find the full details a little further down on this page. [bullet_block large_icon=”0.png” width=”” alignment=”center”]
- An Exclusive ‘NDA’ 8 Week Live Webinar Training Series
- A 30 Minute 1-on-1 Coaching Call
- Our AMAZING *Amazon Opportunity Finder PRO* Tool
- Personal Product Review & Approval By Daniel & Ryan
- Our Insider China Sourcing Report
- An In-depth SEO Analysis of Your Amazon Listing
- Access To Our Personal Amazon ‘Rolodex’
- An Expert-Created, ‘Done-For-You’ Press Release
- Funding for Your Amazon Business!
- EXPERT Interviews
- Ryan & Daniels Private Facebook Mastermind Group
- Ryan & Daniel’s Outsourcing Blueprint Report
- Exclusive Partnership Opportunity with Ryan & Daniel!
WARNING: Because of the personalized ‘hand holding’, Bonus packages are strictly allocated on a first come, first served basis. As a result, this page could be removed at any moment so please act fast.
You must also be prepared to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) as what you are going to discover is extraordinarily effective and exceptionally powerful and we don’t want anyone outside the group to know about these strategies!
Already know you want in?….. Follow These Instructions:
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Follow these 3 Steps to Make Sure You Get Our Bonus
STEP 1: Clear Your Cookies. If you need help on how to do that just go here (opens in new window). STEP 2: You MUST use our affiliate link to purchase.
==> Use this link here <==
STEP 3: Once you have purchased email us your receipt at: ryan at ryancoisson.com (replace at with @). Once we’ve verified your order we’ll send you all of your bonuses. If you have any questions you can contact us here. [/feature_box] [button_5 bg=”orange” text_color=”dark” text=”yes-let-me-in.png” align=”center” href=”http://www.ryancoisson.com/soldout” new_window=”Y”/] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] If you have not read this yet, be sure to read this now. Seriously, during the last Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) launch we had dozens of people join us because they recognized our bonus as the most valuable and relevant ASM bonus available. I’m not kidding you. We had dozens of people come to us from other ‘guru’ bonuses begging to get access to our bonus even months after the ASM launch ended. In fact, we are still getting these requests now. That’s how much people loved our bonus.
Here’s Just a Few Screenshots from Our Private FB Mastermind Group
>> See what 20+ others are saying about us here
Why Are People Having So Much More Success With Us Compared to Other People?
We believe it has been our genuine interest in the success of our group that has caused them to do so well.
We literally have been helping other ASM students grow their Amazon businesses by providing *add on* training consisting of a private mastermind, 1-on-1 coaching, live meet ups, live webinar, product case studies and a whole lot more.
I promise you NO one else is offering this level of support and hand holding.
Also, did I mention that during the last ASM launch other gurus were even using our success to market their bonuses? There was one group using the screenshot you see below. Well there’s a funny story about that too, which I’ll get into in a minute. But.. This time it won’t be any different. Well….maybe a little bit. You see we are taking things to a whole new level.
What Are We Doing to Take This to the Next Level?
Not only are you going to be getting hand holding and coaching from two people that are doing combined $100,000’s a month in profit you are going to be able to take advantage of a major partnership Daniel and I just formed. You remember how I said one group was using our success story to promote their bonus last time ASM was released? Well we are now partnering with those guys and my guess is you know them because they are very well known in the space. We have partnered with Tim Godfrey, Steven Clayton and Aidan Booth and we couldn’t be happier to have partnered with anyone else. The years of experience in online marketing and specifically e-commerce, traffic generation and software development is going to be invaluable to Daniel and I as well as invaluable to any of the lucky few that get to be a part of our bonus program. Not to mention they are some of the most respected individuals in this industry and for good reason, they 100% over deliver in everything they do, which is what Daniel and I are all about.
Here’s a picture of Steve, Aidan and I at a closed door mastermind early this year.
Here’s what one of our bonus buyers had to say:
“This bonus program is amazing!!! I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up initially but it has totally surpassed my expectations. I kind of feel bad for the people that didn’t join through Daniel and Ryan because it really adds insane value and definitely makes all the difference in the world in your business!” – Anibal El Paso, TX
Another one of our bonus buyers sent us this last week along with the below screenshot.
“Before I started with you guys, my business was doing $10 – $14k a month. Now I have hit over 100k a month.”
Now this is important for a limited time, YOU have an opportunity to become part of our private elite group.
You see the ‘Amazing Selling Machine’ course was just re-opened to the public for a very short period of time and from my understanding the last time.
The ASM bonus offer that you will see below will be provided in conjunction with Steve, Aidan and Tim is going to be 100% CRITICAL to your success.
I don’t say that lightly and I’m not joking around.
Getting access to the ASM training by the product creators (Matt and Jason) is one thing… but ALSO learning from people who have already taken the training and pushing it to whole new levels is another.
Ask anyone in our private elite group right now and you’ll understand that Daniel and I have a massive vision for what is possible with e-commerce over the next 3-4 years.
That’s why so many are interested and fascinated by our story. We literally are taking this to heights people didn’t realize is possible.
I’m talking:
- an outsourced office operation
- a sourcing office in China
- investor resources
- premium domain names (one of the brands we are building has a domain that is worth over $1 million)
- and that is just the tip of the iceberg
Look Daniel and I live and breathe this stuff 7 days a week 365 days a year. We have a pulse on this business like no one else and we want to LEGITIMATELY help you become successful. That’s why there is no question as to our bonus being the absolute best choice for you.
Discover Our Full Bonus Details Below
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BONUS 1 – An Exclusive ‘NDA’ 8 Week Live Webinar Training Series Value: $1997
How would you like to be able to get on the phone once a week for 8 weeks with Daniel and Ryan? On this exclusive NDA webinar series they will be revealing the secrets to their success and the exact strategies that were used to create a $300,000 profit per month business in an almost absurd amount of time.
Better yet, they are going to take you through the entire ASM process live. In other words, they will be doing the market research, finding a product, locating a supplier, having labels made, getting a product private labelled, promoting the product, the whole deal…right in front of your eyes. Words cannot describe just how beneficial this will be as it will allow you to understand the process faster than other new ASM students, meaning you will also ‘see money’ faster too. Do you think that that would be valuable to you..? …to literally have someone making over $300k/ month profit reveal their major insider tactics… and show you exactly how it’s done? We know so!! … and that’s exactly why everyone that joins us on these calls will be required to sign an NDA. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 2 – A Private Mastermind at the ASM Live Event Value: $1497
One of the most powerful things you can do for your Amazon business is go the ASM Live Event. The connections you make and the people you meet can be life changing. That’s why at the live event in July (to be confirmed) Daniel, Ryan, Aidan and Steve are going to host an Elite ASM Mastermind for our bonus buyers.
We are going invite some of our top 6 and 7 figure friends to come and network with you as well. This mastermind event will be designed to get to know each other better and help you improve your business in any way that we can. Remember, one connection or one idea at this mastermind could be worth $100,000’s to you.
This is also where we will also announce our ASM bonus buyers contest results (details on this can be found further below).
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BONUS 3 – A 30 Minute 1-on-1 Coaching Call. Value: $497
One of the most common questions that Ryan and Daniel get from the current members is whether they would be willing to do a phone call to give advice and business help.
Well, that is going to happen! Everyone that gets our bonus package will get access to Daniel or Ryan for 30 minutes on Skype. During this time they will answer any of your questions about business, marketing or Amazon (or all three). We will also help you with a plan to grow and expand your business as fast as possible. This 30 minute Skype call will be one of the most valuable 30 minutes in your life! [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 5 – Our AMAZING *Amazon Opportunity Finder PRO* Tool Value: $297
Without doubt one of the hardest and most time consuming parts of this whole process is finding product opportunities. Amazon is a VAST marketplace, and trying to find great product opportunities can be extremely difficult. We have coached many people over the past 6 months, and this is the #1 issue that people have. The good news is however, once you have found a product, the rest is ‘cake’.. especially if you decide to become one of our bonus buyers and have access to our industry secrets, expertise and advice. … And that is EXACTLY why we have developed ‘AOF PRO’. What this tool does is to quickly and easily breakdown the Amazon marketplace to show only the best opportunities available. It condenses days, weeks, even months of research… into just a few minutes. …and therefore you skip over the main road-block that most people have and can slash the time it takes to get your first product out there and start making money,. It is THAT powerful, and you will have a MASSIVE upper hand over ALL other ASM students. You follow our criteria for finding great products opportunities (which actually differs slightly from what is taught is the ASM training), use this tool for a few minutes… and your work is DONE. (although you will need to confirm that your product definitely is a ‘goer’ (see bonus #7 to get that done). Here is a screenshot of the tool. (We need to keep the precise workings of the tool under wraps for various reasons.. but once you are on the inside, you will find them out!) [/feature_box] [feature_box style=”8″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
Follow these 3 Steps to Make Sure You Get Our Bonus
STEP 1: Clear Your Cookies. If you need help on how to do that just go here (opens in new window). STEP 2: You MUST use our affiliate link to purchase.
==> Use this link here <==
STEP 3: Once you have purchased email us your receipt at: ryan at ryancoisson.com (replace at with @). Once we’ve verified your order we’ll send you all of your bonuses. If you have any questions you can contact us here. [/feature_box] [button_5 bg=”orange” text_color=”dark” text=”yes-let-me-in.png” align=”center” href=”http://www.ryancoisson.com/soldout” new_window=”Y”/] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 6 – Personal Product Review & Approval By Daniel & Ryan Value: $397
One of the most important keys to being successful with selling on Amazon is being able to choose the right products with the most profit potential. If you end up choosing the wrong product, you will inevitable waste a lot of time (and money). Of course, making mistakes can be a good thing… but let’s be honest, wouldn’t it be good to get it right first time? That’s exactly why we are offering a product review/approval process. Basically what will happen is when you do your research you will submit a form with the details of your product and either Daniel or Ryan will personally will review the information for you. He will than provide feedback on your product and give you a ‘go’ or ‘no go’. I’m sure you can see the incredible value in having someone like Daniel review your product before you commit to it. You will save time, save money … and most importantly, get into profit FASTER. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 7 – Our Insider China Sourcing Report. Value: $397
Sourcing from China can be complicated, stressful and down right frustrating.
That’s why Daniel spent 2 weeks travelling around China, learning everything about sourcing products, getting them manufactured and sent to the Amazon Fulfilment Center in the US. Simply put, our China sourcing report will take the guess work out of sourcing and manufacturing products in China. It will save you a ton of time and many many many headaches. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 8 – An In-depth SEO Analysis of Your Amazon Listing. Value: $247
After you go through the entire process of setting up your Amazon listing you might be wondering if your listing is optimized for Amazon and for the search engines like Google.
Well now you’ll have the opportunity to have an SEO expert (Ryan) review your Amazon listing for you. All you need to do is submit your Amazon listing url and target keywords and Ryan will provide you with a full SEO analysis of your Amazon listing. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 9 – Access To Our Personal Amazon ‘Rolodex’. Value: $597
As Daniel has grown his Amazon business he has developed a large list of resources that he uses for every product that he releases.
By having private access to this resource list, you will save a ton of time and frustration trying to find designers, label makers, video creators, the best resources to promote your products …and so on. This bonus is invaluable and you’ll be using it EVERY day as you grow your business. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 10 – An Expert-Created, ‘Done-For-You’ Press Release. Value: $497
One of the best ways for you to get the word out about your product is by doing a Press Release.
But did you know that if you don’t write your press release properly, your distribution will stink? We’ve personally done over 500 press releases and know EXACTLY what to do to get great distribution. With this bonus you’ll get a done-for-you press release by our expert team designed to help you launch and promote your first (or next) Amazon product. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 11 – Funding for Your Amazon Business! Value: PRICELESS
Are you worried about having the funds to scale and grow your business?
Maybe you don’t have the money to buy 1,000, 2,000 or 5,000 units of your product. While you don’t need to be able to do that to be successful, you DO want to start scaling once you know you can move product. That’s why we are going to be introducing a partner program that will be analyzed on a case by case basis where you’ll have the ability to get funding from us or our partners to grow and scale your business.
While you will need to meet certain criteria to qualify for funding, having access to these funds can help you achieve success CONSIDERABLY faster.
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BONUS 12 – EXPERT Interviews. Value: $1497
Insider Interviews with Top Experts in Social Media, Paid Traffic, SEO and Selling on Amazon!
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Follow these 3 Steps to Make Sure You Get Our Bonus
STEP 1: Clear Your Cookies. If you need help on how to do that just go here (opens in new window). STEP 2: You MUST use our affiliate link to purchase.
==> Use this link here <==
STEP 3: Once you have purchased email us your receipt at: ryan at ryancoisson.com (replace at with @). Once we’ve verified your order we’ll send you all of your bonuses. If you have any questions you can contact us here. [/feature_box] [button_5 bg=”orange” text_color=”dark” text=”yes-let-me-in.png” align=”center” href=”http://www.ryancoisson.com/soldout” new_window=”Y”/] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 13 – Ryan & Daniel Private FB Mastermind! Value: $997
In our mission to drive extraordinary value we decided to give people a multitude of ways to get access to us including on Facebook. Inside our private mastermind FB group you’ll get Amazon updates, additional training, a great place to ask questions of fellow members some of which are already earning over $100k per month and a whole lot more. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 14 – Ryan & Daniel’s Outsourcing Blueprint Report! Value: $997
When it comes to growing and scaling your business there is almost nothing else that can help more than outsourcing.
You see when you know how to properly outsource the tasks of your business you not only can scale, but you now can create a real lifestyle business. Daniel and I love what we do, but we also love outsourcing. That’s why we have employees in 2 offices overseas that can do just about everything in our business from sourcing, to product listings, traffic generation and even top notch customer support. This allows us to get a lot more work done and really allows us to be able to take things to a whole new level. Now I’d be lying if I told you outsourcing was easy. It’s not. At first at least. You need to know who to hire, who to not hire and MOST importantly who to fire. Daniel and I have fired over 20 people and that process has taught us a ton. This bonus is going to give you an inside peek at our outsourcing process and how you can add that to your business. [/feature_box] [arrows style=”arrow-blue-1.png” align=”center”] [feature_box style=”7″ only_advanced=”There are no title options for the choosen style” alignment=”center”]
BONUS 15 – Exclusive Partnership Opportunity with Ryan & Daniel! Value: PRICELESS
How would you like to partner with Daniel and I on your Amazon and e-Commerce business?
Over the next 12-18 months one of our biggest goals is to partner with 4-6 people from our Mastermind and bonus group (we’ve already done 1). Best of all our partners are going to get access to our knowledge, financial resources, outsourcing teams and a whole lot more. Now the process to partner with us will be thorough as we absolutely need to make sure we are partnering with the right people, but the people in our Mastermind and bonus group are the people that we are going to look to first. Why? Because they are following our advice and our training. This is key because as you’ll seen in our 8 week webinar series we do things a little bit differently and we take things to a whole new level. While you being able to partner with us isn’t guaranteed, but having that opportunity is something that very few people will get. [/feature_box]
WARNING: Because of the personalized ‘hand holding’, we can only let a small number of people in. Therefore please be sure to take advantage of this bonus right now.
Make Sure You Clear Your Cookies Before Ordering
Here’s exactly how to clear your web browser cache:
Once you’ve cleared your cookies use this link to buy ASM and get our Bonus.
Firefox: Go to Tools Go to Options Go to the Privacy tab Click “Show Cookies” Click “Remove all Cookies”
Firefox 5: Click on ‘Firefox’ in the top left Go to Options then Options Go to the Privacy tab Click “Show Cookies” Click “Remove all Cookies”
Internet Explorer 6: Go To Tools Go to Internet Options In the “General” tab & under “Browsing History”, click “Delete” Click “Delete Files” under “Temporary Internet Files” Click OK & then OK again.
Internet Explorer 7: Go to Your Control Panel Go to Internet Options Under “Browsing History” click “Delete” Click “Delete Cookies” under “Delete Cookies”
Internet Explorer 8 & 9: Click on the “Tools” icon in the top right Go to Internet Options In the ‘General’ tab under “Browsing History” click “Delete” Click “Delete Cookies” under “Delete Cookies”
Chrome: Click on the ‘spanner’ icon in the top right Go to “Tools” and then “Clear Browsing Data” Select “Cookies” then click “Clear Browsing Data”
If you have problems try using a different browser.
IMPORTANT: Bonuses are allocated on a first come, first served basis, this is based on the time we receive your bonus claim email with your payment receipt. You will receive the bonus that corresponds with the option you choose to purchase the pay in full or the payment plan.